How to connect Google Workspace and move files from Google shared drives?

Many users are asking about managing their Google shared drives from Google Workspace. Since the recent release, it is now possible to manage your cloud files and transfer them between drives as well for shared drives.

How to connect your business drive?

  1. Go to Integrations page and click on “Google Drive Workspace” and then follow the wizard.
Google Drive Workspace supports shared drives

2. Therefore set a friendly name to be able to distinguish your many connected drives.

The friendly name is for helping you to distinguish between many of your integrations

3. The last step is to click on “Grant access” button and then follow the wizard for granting access to the application. Permissions must be added for UnifiDrive to view and edit your data.

Last step of granting access

4. As a result you should see a new integration with Google Drive Workspace.

New integration with Google Drive Workspace

5. You can verify how many shared drives you have access to if you go to Files page or Drives page (the page is available only for smaller screens). Shared drives have longer names with integration names in the first place and then after slash shared drive names.

Newly connected shared drives

How to move my data to another drive?

It is the same as for main drives. Just select your files and click “Move” or “Copy” button. Then just specify the target drive from available options. Shared drives will be available in options.

Dropdown for selecting the destination for selected files or folders.

Learn more about moving files:

How to Move OneNote Notebook to Another Drive?

How to Move Google Documents to Another Drive?

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